unfreeze.fpsclassico.com - 2W
Server IPs:fpsclasico.eu:27961 | fpsclasico.de:27961
Game:Quake III Arena UnFreeZe (ioq3v6-unfreeze-client-v23.5.zip | fpsclasico-client-community-edition.zip)
Admin:adminless of fpsclassico
Motto:" it's not about making a hit, it's about making a classic "
More Servers:UnFreeZe1 | UnFreeZe2 | glacius | ranked | ffa | ctf | duel
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Historic Listing for Highest most excellent rewards of all time (top 10)
#Player Name Excellent   Given   Taken   Efficiency   Map   Date 
1SkilledOne16 14268 7241 66.34 q3dm11 Sat 29 Jun 2024 18:23:13 CEST
2[ILM]^ORGI6914 14469 6188 70.04 q3dm14 Wed 15 Mar 2023 21:48:30 CET
312214 11015 8284 57.08 q3dm7 Wed 7 Sep 2022 20:15:37 CEST
4lith13 14792 6773 68.59 q3dm11 Fri 19 Jul 2024 22:02:01 CEST
5oKo*cTh13 14859 8959 62.39 q3dm7 Mon 6 Nov 2023 17:36:00 CET
6-=ASS=-^RICKY!!13 14135 7464 65.44 q3dm14 Wed 6 Sep 2023 21:57:59 CEST
7oKo*cTh13 14673 7225 67.01 q3dm7 Sat 5 Aug 2023 23:14:22 CEST
8-=ASS=-^RICKY!!13 13496 5710 70.27 q3dm7 Mon 6 Feb 2023 0:52:01 CET
9Cock!13 14991 5377 73.60 q3dm14 Mon 24 Oct 2022 17:48:10 CEST
10[ILM]^nickaero13 12120 4314 73.75 q3dm14 Tue 9 Aug 2022 22:18:13 CEST
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